[STAND-BY] Les États-Unis d'Amérique

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[STAND-BY] Les États-Unis d'Amérique

Message par falloutman »

The United States of America

Version : 0.25

Auteur : Aussie_In_Oblivion

Lien VO : http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/ ... p?id=12630

Rubrique de téléchargement : Aventures

Prérequis :
Fallout 3
DLC Operation Anchorage
DLC Broken Steel

Description : En gros une suite donnée à Fallout 3 :
Aussie_In_Oblivion a écrit :Half a millenium since the declaration of Independace, and Two centuries since the Great War, The United States of America are re-conceived in the wake of the Broken Steel conflict.

Basically this version of the mod is a massive clean up of the Settlements of D.C, and adds new npc's to Bigtown and Canterbury Commons. American flags also now fly above the settlements. At this point in time, the mod can be used at any time in the mainquest, but for lore reasons you should only really use it after you have finished broken steel, if not then it wont affect the game in any negative way, other than having extra npcs, cleaner settlements and American Pride ;) BTW this is only the very first version, i havent had time to fuly test out every kink, so let me know if there is any problems or bugs :)

Here is the offical lore for the mod if anyone is interested;

t the finale of the Brotherhood-Enclave war, called the Broken Steel conflict, the capital wasteland was begining to change, a second American revolution had dawned, but not against the British, nor any race of man. This revolution was against the wasteland, agaisnt the Super-Mutants, and agaisnt radiation. With the potomac river now fully purified, plants and trees began to thrive, the mirelurks were driven to extinction by the radiation free water, and the Human population became healthier than it had been for over 200 years.

Megaton's bomb has been disarmed, Bigtown has crushed the Super-Mutant threat in Germantown, Rivet City organises the water caravans and is by default the capital of the region. The slavers have been driven out of D.C proper by abolitonists from the Temple of the One, who have also occupied and restored the Lincoln memorial. Canterbury commons is undergoing a period of rapid growth, and has become the merchant hub of the capital wasteland. And the Brotherhood of Steel, has destroyed the Enclave, and is unlikely to ever rebuild after the campaign against it, and has aquired vast amounts of equiptment, technology and supplies from Raven Rock, and a now occupied Adams Air Force Base. The Brotherhood now has access to Vertibird transports, giving it the essential ability of power projection and mobilisation, and no longer has a shortage of personnel or recruits.

Elder Lyons, the Eastern Elder of the Brotherhood, began to speak of the next great obstacle, driving the Super Mutants from D.C once and for all, and thus began the final stage in the brutal war for D.C. With Vertibird air support, and Enclave level tech now available to them, the Brotherhood conducted a campaign of genocide against the Super-Mutants, exterminating them in the process, and ridding D.C of its largest obstacle. This led to the Occupation and settlement of the Mall, and Capitol Building by the Brotherhood and Wastelanders. At the same time, with the help of Reilly's rangers, the Talon Company was wiped out, and paradise falls was destroyed by a Vertibird bombardment.

With these threats dealt with, the population begins to expand rapidly, and the people grow ever more restless underneath the Brotherhood occupation. Elder Lyons decides to form a federal government and takes his position as President of the United States, and essentially forms a nation in the old state of Washington D.C. The Brotherhood now serves as the military of the United States, ironic considering that the Brotherhood was founded on a rebellion from the US Army over 200 years ago.

Slowly the United States begins to consolidate and expand its influence, after the events of the liberation of the Pitt, the United States offers to construct another purifier on the Allegheny river, providing the population of the Pitt with clean water, in exchange for the Pitt being annexed into the United States. The Pitt is cleaned up, and the radiation cure found in Marie, is manufactured en masse, and sent to D.C, where it is administered to the population affected by radiation sickness and poision. It is also injected into several Yao-Guai, and Dog's, creating several healthy animal breeds. The United States also gains access to the ammunition press's in the Pitt, and the local steel industry, which is absolutley vital in reconstruction and manufacturing. The new industry and raw materials aquired by the anexation of the Pitt, leads to the re-construction of Liberty Prime, essentially making the Brotherhood the military superpower of post-war america.

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Modifié en dernier par falloutman le 20 juin 2015, 18:05, modifié 5 fois.
Raison : Correction.
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Re: Les États-Unis d'Amérique

Message par Doezer »

Je conseille d'attendre une version plus avancée... ou en tout cas ayant plus de retours.
LisezmoiCreator v1.4
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Re: Les États-Unis d'Amérique

Message par falloutman »

Je suis un peu déçu.
Sans doute est-ce un premier jet, mais le mod se limite pour l'instant à quelques changements cosmétiques, du genre rajouter les drapeaux US typique Fallout aux sites stratégiques (Obélisque de DC, et autres édifices publics comme les mairies) et un peu plus de verdure (arbres à la Cour de la Citadelle, buissons à Megaton...).
Je m'attendais à une refonte du scénario. :pensif:
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Re: Les États-Unis d'Amérique

Message par Doezer »

Il faudrait que tu lui demandes si il compte faire quelque chose d'énorme (enfin tout seul ça prendra du temps...)
LisezmoiCreator v1.4
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Re: Les États-Unis d'Amérique

Message par falloutman »

Trop peu doué en anglais pour m'y consacrer.
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Re: Les États-Unis d'Amérique

Message par Doezer »

Non mais il suffirait juste de lui demander ^^
LisezmoiCreator v1.4
Moddeur aspirant
Moddeur aspirant
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Re: Les États-Unis d'Amérique

Message par falloutman »

Réponse de l'auteur à qui je demandais si une version ultérieure plus élaborée était prévue
Absolutely mate no worries :), and yea i definently intend to go much further with this mod, this is only the very first version.
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Re: Les États-Unis d'Amérique

Message par Doezer »

Bon ben il ne reste plus qu'à attendre ^^
LisezmoiCreator v1.4

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